Valiant Golden Projectile
The cost:   100  
Item Type: Medals and achievements
The item cannot be handed over to a junk dealer
All items occupy a single cell

This projectile, instead of physically affecting the enemy, has a magical effect on its owner. When you use it, you will get 50 projectile points "Training bomb" in medal "For Valor I", 30 projectile points "Explosive grenade" in Medal "For Valor II", 25 projectile points "Thermal grenade" in Medal "For Valor III", 15 projectile points "Choke Gas grenade" in Medal "For Valor IV", 15 projectile points "Force Field Generator" in medal "For Valor IV".  
To score points in the medal, you must have a rank corresponding to the projectile.

Can be purchased in stores:
Special shop
Seasons Store